
Corporate clients:

Ameriprise Financial Services, Target Corporation,  3M Corp.,Wells Fargo Bank,  Mayo Clinic / Mayo Foundation, Teahoco/The Great Courses, Medtronic, the State of Minnesota, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Buffalo Wild Wings, Big Event Productions, Preston Kelly, On The Scene Productions, Organic Valley,  Microsoft Corp., Semaphore Media, Greatapes/GT Media,  U.S. Department of Justice, Laughlin & Associates,  Ilexfilmworks, Lexica Communications, Convergence Media,  Labor Arbitration Institute, North Memorial Hospital, Token Media, Twin Cities Laboratories, MinnPost, 4SP Films, and Maple Grove Hospital, etc….

Broadcast clients:  

PBS, ESPN, C-SPAN, MTV, Thompson Reuters, Associated Press TV, Discovery Channel, CMT, BBC, CNN, Israeli TV Ch. 2, Australian TV 3, Fox TV, Journal of American Medical Association,  Dorsey Pictures/HGTV,  The Golf Channel,  Dr Phil Show, and more.

Other clients:

Local arts organizations, non-profit and institutional collaborations  include:  Walker Art Center,  Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights,  Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy,  St Paul Chamber Orchestra, St Paul Neighborhood Network,  Minneapolis Art Institute,  American Choral Catalog,  Intermedia Arts,  Ragamala Dance Theater,  and many other theater arts, music, and dance documentation/collaborations.

Recent projects:

  • Two hour feature documentary  “Hubert Humphrey:  The Art of the Possible” with Bill Moyers,  for national broadcast on over 425 PBS affiliates
  • “Mr. Civil Rights – Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP”   2016 National PBS broadcast feature documentary
  • Currently in production:  “Francis Perkins & FDR  Secretary of Labor 1932-1944”  documentary for PBS
  • “The Trial of Adolph Eichman” and “The Scottsboro Boys”  Discovery network- internationally distributed video news releases with The Mayo Clinic, American Medical Association,  Associated Press,  Hazeldon Foundation, Thompson Reuters, ESPN, and others…
  • Directed internationally distributed music education programs with conductor Dale Warland and composer Steven Paulus